Is This Apocalypse Necessary?

Is This Apocalypse Necessary?

Published: September 1, 2000

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 2
  • Total Pages: 385
  • Size: 1.0 MB
  • ISBN: 9781888683066
  • Reading: 12hr 50min


In the Daimbert series, C. Dale Brittain’s sixth novel is titled “Is This Apocalypse Necessary?” Elerius and Daimbert, who were once students at a wizarding school, are the central characters of the narrative. The best student, Elerius, has held the position of Royal Wizard in several kingdoms, while Daimbert, who hardly completed his education, is the wizard of the small country of Yurt.

Elerius intends to take command of the western kingdoms and institutionalized wizardry as the aging Master of the wizards’ school nears death. In search of a remedy, Daimbert sets off on a voyage to the Land of Dragons, the exotic East, and even via Hell. He may be the only person who can make the world safe for mediocrity.


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