The Sourdough School

The Sourdough School

Published: 2018

Tagged Genres

Cook BooksFoodHealth


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 4
  • Total Pages: 342
  • Size: 35.03 MB
  • ISBN: 9780857833662
  • Reading: 11hr 24min


The Sourdough School free pdf version of the book can be downloaded from here, you can also read the whole book online right here. The Sourdough School serves as an all-encompassing guide to crafting sourdough bread. As the Course Director at The Sourdough School, a renowned institution for bread research and education, Vanessa brings her expertise to the book.

Vanessa advocates that nutritious bread is a fundamental human right and plays a crucial role in health, environmental sustainability, and social justice. She is currently pursuing her Doctorate and working on her sixth book.


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