Soul of a Crow - Abbie Williams

Soul of a Crow

Published: June 5, 2016


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 2
  • Total Pages: 401
  • Size: 2.16 MB
  • ISBN: 9781771680363
  • Reading: 13hr 22min


Abbie Williams’ second novel in the Dove Series is titled “Soul of a Crow.” The story, which takes place in 1868, centers on Lorie Blake, a young lady who managed to leave her life as a prostitute in a whorehouse in Missouri. She travels northwest by car with her newly discovered family to start again as homesteaders in Minnesota. But the past will not die quietly. Sawyer and Boyd, two former Confederate soldiers, are plagued by the ghosts of a war that never really ends. Lorie fights for her true love’s life and the prospect of a new beginning in the North as long-buried grudges come to the surface. Deeply exploring love, survival, and unwavering hope, this book is an intense and expansive epic.


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