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Author: Richard Matheson

Richard Matheson
Total Books: 1
Richard Burton Matheson was an American author and screenwriter, primarily known for his contributions to the fantasy, horror, and science fiction genres. Richard Burton Matheson's 1971 short story “Duel” was adapted into a gripping television film directed by Steven Spielberg. Richard Burton Matheson's 1954 science fiction horror novel, I Am Legend, remains a cornerstone of the genre. Richard Burton Matheson's literary legacy is marked by iconic works and influential adaptations. Here are some of his adaptations; "I Am Legend", "The Twilight Zone", " Edgar Allan Poe Adaptations" and " Duel". Richard Burton Matheson's imaginative storytelling and genre-defying narratives continue to resonate. Download and read Richard Matheson's books in PDF and EPUB format.

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