Night Walk

Night Walk

Published: December 15, 1947


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 7
  • Total Pages: 183
  • Size: 0.8 MB
  • ISBN: 9780575039872
  • Reading: 6hr 6min


Bob Shaw’s amazing science fiction book “Night Walk” was first released in 1967. The story is set on the planet Emm Luther, where there is only one theocracy in the entire world. Earth agent Sam Tallon is imprisoned by the Emm Luther Special Police in a spooky, dark marsh because he refuses to comply. But later on, Tallon can see the world through the eyes of many different creatures, such as dogs, birds, and even his attackers. Motivated by the realization of the universe’s most important secret, he fights for his life against peril and madness. The novel weaves suspense, innovation, and survival across its 188 pages.


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