A Step from Heaven - An Na

A Step from Heaven

By An Na
Published: July 26, 2016

Tagged Genres

Childrens Books


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 2
  • Total Pages: 122
  • Size: 3.01 MB
  • ISBN: 1481442368
  • Reading: 4hr 4min


An  Na’s moving book “A Step from Heaven” describes the life of Young Ju, a young Korean girl. Her family shifts from Korea to America when she is four years old, and at first, she thinks this is heaven. The story follows Young Ju from the age of four till she is prepared to enter college.

She deals with the difficulties of growing up abroad and facing the harsh realities of immigrant life, such as language challenges, cultural conflicts, and an abusive dad. An interesting examination of immigration, family dynamics, cultural identity, and chasing the American dream is given in this book.


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