

Published: July 31, 2018


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 8
  • Total Pages: 332
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Reading: 11hr 4min


The twenty-second book in Catherine Coulter’s exciting FBI thriller series is titled “Paradox.” Coulter explores the terrible mind of an escaped mental patient obsessed with revenge with unmatched suspense and explosive twists. Agent Sherlock and Agent Savich realize they are in his sights after he fails to abduct Sean Savich, who is five years old. At first light, Willicott, Maryland, Chief Ty Christie witnesses a murder and finds hundreds of bones in the water.

Together, they discover a horrifying link between the bones and the maniac who escaped. A terrifying mixture of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, long-kept secrets, and ruthless greed awaits them in “Paradox,” where they must race against time to find the truth before their bones sink to the bottom of the lake.


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