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Homer and the Holiday Miracle
Homer and the Holiday Miracle
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  • Published: October 30, 2018
  • Pages: 26
  • ISBN: 9781946885784
  • Genre: Biography

Homer and the Holiday Miracle

Gwen Cooper

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Gwen Cooper’s touching story “Homer and the Holiday Miracle” tells the touching story of Homer, a famous blind cat. A tiny blind kitten named Homer had been told by physicians fifteen years prior that he was not expected to live. Homer defied all expectations to become a cat dynamo, easily climbing seven-foot bookcases, saving his human mother’s life when he pursued a late-night intruder from their apartment,

and becoming well-known throughout the world. Doctors once again said that Homer didn’t have much time left, but only two weeks before Christmas, Homer disproved their predictions and demonstrated that he was still capable of performing one more miracle. The genuine joy of the season will fill you after reading this charming and amusing novel.

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