The Overlord's Heir

The Overlord’s Heir

Published: July 25, 2014


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 166
  • Size: 0.4 MB
  • Reading: 5hr 32min


The second novel in the Warlord series is “The Overlord’s Heir,” written by Michelle Howard. Following his enemy’s defeat and the establishment of order, Vaan intends to enjoy life with Mikayla, his Raasa mate. His heart rejoices at the thought of her becoming a mother.

Vaan has to go back to Kaban, nevertheless, to let his people know he is still alive. They keep running into trouble, and they have difficulties navigating their relationship and defending their expanding family. Combining romance, science fiction, and adventure, this book provides a fascinating conclusion to the narrative.


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