A Hole in God’s Pocket

A Hole in God’s Pocket

Published: April 4, 2012

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 150
  • Size: 0.8 MB
  • Reading: 5hr


The intriguing book “A Hole in God’s Pocket” by K.Z. Snow unites two strange characters. Greg Aubuchon, a 25-year-old gay former monk, is just acting as a good samaritan when he carries home a drunken man one evening. The turn of events? The man in question, Faron Weaver, was not so much a girlfriend as a boyfriend.

Faron, an openly gay Amish man, and Greg unexpectedly become close as they work through issues of faith, family, and love. Their friendship is chaste despite their mutual attraction, and they confide in one another about their feelings of shame and need to fit in.


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