• File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 302
  • Total Pages: 488
  • Size: 1.93 MB
  • ISBN: 9780553803716
  • Reading: 16hr 16min


Foundation by Isaac Asimov book PDF free download from here. Foundation is a science fiction novel by Isaac Asimov, the first in his Foundation series. It is a collection of five interrelated stories that depict the decline and fall of a galactic empire, and the efforts of a group of scientists to preserve civilization through a secret project called the Foundation.

The novel is based on the idea of psychohistory, a fictional science that can predict the future of large groups of people using mathematical models. The novel was first published in 1951 by Gnome Press and has been widely acclaimed as one of the classics of science fiction.

It won the Hugo Award for Best All-Time Series in 1966 and has influenced many other authors and works in the genre.



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