Shit, Actually

Shit, Actually

Published: 2020


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 29
  • Total Pages: 196
  • Size: 1.41 MB
  • ISBN: 9780316449823
  • Reading: 6hr 32min


Shit, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema  by Lindy West is a hilarious and incisive exploration of beloved and iconic movies from the past 40 years. Lindy re-examines films with an eye toward big questions: Is Twilight the horniest movie in history? Why do the zebras in The Lion King trust Mufasa (who is a lion) to look out for their best interests?

Lindy combines razor-sharp wit with genuine adoration for nostalgic trash, shedding new critical light on cultural touchstones. From Forrest Gump to The Notebook, she teaches us how to laugh at the things we love without letting them off the hook.


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