The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography

The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography

Published: 2018


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 8
  • Total Pages: 102
  • Size: 5.6 MB
  • ISBN: 9781635571912
  • Reading: 3hr 24min


The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography Book download the PDF file for free here and you can also read the book completely free on this site. Deborah Levy’s ‘The Cost of Living: A Working Autobiography’ explores societal expectations and pressures on women.

It delves into the unnoticed erasure of women’s identities, spaces, and narratives in daily life. Levy’s personal experiences and observations of women she encounters form the backbone of this memoir. The book is a dynamic depiction of the changing face of womanhood and a passionate pursuit of a yet-to-be-defined major female character who can navigate the world with greater ease. The book first hit the shelves on April 5, 2018.”


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