• File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 476
  • Total Pages: 322
  • Size: 3.6 MB
  • Reading: 10hr 44min


The Culture Map Book, Download it in PDF for free right here or read the book online. Erin Meyer’s “The Culture Map” is a comprehensive guide to understanding and navigating cultural variances in an increasingly global world. It introduces the Culture Map, a framework that categorizes various nationalities along eight behavioral dimensions: Communication, Evaluation, Persuasion, Leadership, Decision-making, Trust, Disagreement, and Scheduling.

The book offers valuable insights into how cultural disparities influence international business and provides practical strategies for effective cross-cultural interactions. It features real-world stories and anecdotes that highlight key lessons in global teamwork and international cooperation. The book draws on Meyer’s extensive experience at INSEAD, a prestigious international business school.


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