• File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 6
  • Total Pages: 205
  • Size: 6.7 MB
  • ISBN: 9780241374122
  • Reading: 6hr 50min


The Grassling free pdf book download from here or read it online. Elizabeth-Jane Burnett’s “The Grassling” is a memoir that delves into geology. The narrative is sparked by her father’s deteriorating health and the history he penned about their quaint Devon village. Burnett unravels layers of memory, language, and natural history to weave a compelling tale of how we are shaped and communicated to by the land.

The book explores the concept of roots and the sense of belonging in a world where the ground beneath us is in constant flux. It’s a rediscovery of the landscapes of her childhood, guided by her father’s local history writings. As her father’s health wanes, the fields and lanes become a sanctuary. She envisions living as a true dweller of the Earth, not just a being confined within buildings, detached from nature, but as a “grassling” rooted in the soil. In this primal return to earthly origins, she reconciles with her father’s passing and the land she was raised in.


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