The Titan's Curse

The Titan’s Curse

Published: 2007

Tagged Genres

FantasyYoung Adult


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 228
  • Total Pages: 115
  • Size: 1.48 MB
  • ISBN: 9780141382890
  • Reading: 3hr 50min


The Titan’s Curse book, download the free PDF version from here, you can also read the whole book from here. The Titan’s Curse is the third book in Rick Riordan’s “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” series, kicks off with a distress call from Percy Jackson’s friend, Grover. Percy, armed with his trusty bronze sword Riptide and the support of his demigod allies, gears up for an impending battle.

Now, Percy and his comrades, in alliance with the Hunters of Artemis, have a week to locate the abducted goddess, as they go about their way, Their journey is fraught with peril as they confront their most formidable challenge yet: the chilling prophecy of the titan’s curse.


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