The Unspoken

The Unspoken

Published: 2020

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 2
  • Total Pages: 239
  • Size: 1.36 MB
  • ISBN: 978-1542020855
  • Reading: 7hr 58min


The Unspoken Download free PDF version of the book from here. Ian K. Smith’s “The Unspoken” is the inaugural book in the Ashe Cayne series. The story centers around Ashe Cayne, an ex-Chicago detective turned private investigator, who left the force due to a cover-up involving the death of a young black man.

He is hired to locate Tinsley Gerrigan, a missing woman from a privileged background. As Cayne delves deeper into Tinsley’s life and history, he uncovers secrets she had kept hidden from her family. The case takes a darker turn when Tinsley’s boyfriend is found dead. Cayne must use his network and expertise to locate Tinsley and ensure justice is served.


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