Quiet Anchorage

Quiet Anchorage

Published: February 9, 2011

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 1
  • Total Pages: 215
  • Size: 1.20 MB
  • ISBN: 9781602151413
  • Reading: 7hr 10min


Ed Lynskey’s mystery book “Quiet Anchorage” is set in the little Virginian district of Anchorage. The story opens when Jake Robbins is murdered and his fiancée Megan Connors is arrested for the crime. The laidback Sheriff Roscoe Fox is confident he’s got the right culprit Megan Connors, locked up in his jail. But not everyone in the community thinks Sheriff Fox has solved Jake’s murder so cleverly.

The brash septuagenarian aunts of Megan, Isabel, and Alma Trumbo, decide to give up their Scrabble game and become part-time detectives. They make friends with Sammi Jo Garner, a twentysomething who is a brave person, and ends up helping the sisters snoop about and solve Jake’s murder mystery.



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