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Author: Anne Boyer

Anne Boyer
Total Books: 1
Anne Boyer all books PDF/E-PUB files are also available here for download. Anne Boyer's medical fiction genre books PDF/E-PUB files are also available here. Anne Boyer has written many delightful books. Some of them are " The Undying, Garments Against Women, A Handbook of Disappointed Fate, The Romance of Happy Workers, Grenade in Mouth, My Common Heart, Anne Boyer’s Good Apocalypse, Art is War, Selected Dreams with a Note on Phrenology, Doll Hospital". Anne Boyer, the talented American poet and essayist, was born in 1973 in Topeka, Kansas. She grew up in Salina, Kansas, where she received her education in public schools. Anne holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English literature from Kansas State University (1996).

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