• File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 37
  • Total Pages: 209
  • Size: 02 MB
  • Reading: 6hr 58min


The Undying book, you can read it here for free or download the free PDF version here. The Undying is a poignant memoir that delves into her personal battle with breast cancer and her experiences within the capitalist healthcare system. Released in 2016, the book offers a critical examination of the discourse and culture surrounding cancer, presenting a raw and unfiltered portrayal of disease and its treatment. It presents the experience of sickness as mediated by digital screens and incorporates elements from ancient Roman dream diarists, cancer hoaxers and fetishists, cancer vloggers, and corporate deceptions.

The book has been lauded for its compassionate brilliance, distinctive voice, and its capacity to evoke the profound voices and narratives of writers, women, and individuals who have endured such solitude and pain.


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