All Her Little Lies

All Her Little Lies

Published: October 26, 2022


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 24
  • Total Pages: 259
  • Size: 1.4 MB
  • Reading: 8hr 38min


All Her Little Lies is a psychological thriller novel written by the author Becca Day. This book speaks about the complexities of family, trust, and betrayals. Cynthia and Alex, who have always been like sisters, live and work together on Cynthia’s mother’s sprawling farm, raising their families side by side. But their perfect life shatters when Alex discovers the lifeless body of Hannah, one of Cynthia’s eighteen-year-old twins, inexplicably murdered in her own home. As a local detective, Stefani Watson investigates, suspicion falls on Daniel, Alex’s nineteen-year-old son. Desperate to protect him, Alex uncovers disturbing truths about friendship, family bonds, and her own marriage.


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