Beauchamp Hall

Beauchamp Hall

Published: November 20, 2018


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 23
  • Total Pages: 224
  • Size: 1.84 MB
  • Reading: 7hr 28min


Danielle Steel’s inspirational book “Beauchamp Hall” was influenced by the popular television series Downton Abbey. The main character of the story is Winona Farmington, a lady who once dreamed of graduating from college and moving away from her little Michigan community. However, reality intervened, and she was forced to care for her sick mother. Winnie dissatisfied with her partnership and at a loss for direction, finds solace in binge-watching the British sitcom Beauchamp Hall.

The lavish historical drama, set in a grand Norfolk home in the 1920s is her fantasy come true. Winnie impulsively takes a plane to England to visit the place where the program is filmed after experiencing heartbreak and betrayal. The enchanted journey that follows serves as a reminder to pursue our goals despite life’s unanticipated detours.




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