Big City Crush - Alexa Riley

Big City Crush

Published: May 14, 2021


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 6
  • Total Pages: 78
  • Size: 0.7 MB
  • Reading: 2hr 36min


The third book in Alexa Riley’s Pink Springs series is titled “Big City Crush.” Luca Cross, the main character is an investor in land who sells when the price is high. He travels from one city to another all of his life. He goes to his sister’s wedding thinking it will be a delightful diversion from work. But then unforeseen circumstances alter everything.

After seeing her brother Bastian sacrifice everything for love, Selma Starnes, who had been overworking herself in a profession she detested, decides to turn her life around. Though fate had other ideas, their wedding day was intended to be ideal. The impact of their choices and how they manage these changes are examined in the book.


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