Cruel Justice

Cruel Justice

Published: September 28, 2011

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 286
  • Size: 1.1 MB
  • Reading: 9hr 32min


M.A. Comley’s “Cruel Justice” is the first book in the Justice series. A serial killer with a horrifying goal is terrorizing the city, leaving women living in constant fear. DI To apprehend the murderer, Lorne Simpkins and her committed team understand they need to use every bit of their knowledge, expertise, and endurance.

One slip-up and the number of dead might increase quickly. The cruel antagonist torments Lorne ceaselessly, even mailing disgusting parcels to make her feel uncomfortable. She must make tough decisions that may affect her family, coworkers, and herself as she seeks to fight his evilness.


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