Daughter of Diamonds

Daughter of Diamonds

Published: September 10, 2023

Tagged Genres

FictionMagical Realism


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 1
  • Total Pages: 367
  • Size: 2.06 MB
  • ISBN: 9798218243098
  • Reading: 12hr 14min


The third novel in J. Gabriel Gates’ YA urban fantasy series The Luck Gods Series, “Daughter of Diamonds,” is a mind-bending original magic system based on the four card suits, slow-burn romance, and royal intrigue. In this episode, Aggie, the recently crowned Queen of Hearts, must deal with the difficulties that come with being a demigoddess,

such as controlling her OCD, getting ready for the SATs, and locating her brainwashed mother, the Queen of Spades. Aggie becomes a suspect after a well-known Heart is killed, and she and her roguish ex-boyfriend, the Jack of Hearts, must work together to solve the case.


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