Desert Foxe

Desert Foxe

Published: November 7, 2014


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 212
  • Size: 1.11 MB
  • ISBN: MLR1020140321
  • Reading: 7hr 4min


The sixth book in the Skyler Foxe Mysteries series is ‘Desert Foxe’ by Haley Walsh. The main character of the narrative is Skyler Foxe, an out and proud high school English teacher. Skyler has a fun-filled weekend surrounded by handsome men at the annual Palm Springs White Party with his friends. But they run into some unexpected partygoers and a variety of boy problems.

When a murder happens on the dance floor, directly in front of Skyler things get serious. When the FBI asks Skyler to perform an unimaginable act, both he and his boyfriend. High school coach Keith Fletcher became involved in an investigation that goes beyond the murder.


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