Down Too Deep

Down Too Deep

Published: October 8, 2019


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 8
  • Total Pages: 329
  • Size: 2.50 MB
  • Reading: 10hr 58min


J. Daniels’ charming book “Down Too Deep” examines love, grief, and second chances. Following his wife’s unexpected death. Nathan Bell devotes all of his attention to his work and ignores Marley, his daughter. He is so overcome with guilt that he is unable to communicate with her on his own. Nathan finds solace in Jenna Savage, a single mother of twins who enters the picture.

Their growing attraction makes them ponder if they could start a family. Hearts are at stake in the midst of it all, and the danger of losing one another is very real. In a small community, this heartwarming tale combines romance, family, and healing.


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