Eden's Wish

Eden’s Wish

Published: September 1, 2015


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 174
  • Size: 2.07 MB
  • ISBN: 9781484711859
  • Reading: 5hr 48min


The first book in the “Eden of the Lamp” series is “Eden’s Wish,” written by M. Tara Crowl. Eden, a twelve-year-old genie who has lived her whole existence inside an ancient oil lamp, is the main character of the narrative. Eden views the lamp as nothing more than a prison, even though she lives like a princess in her little, opulent home.

More than everything, she just wants to be free. Eden takes a chance when she discovers a doorway to Earth inside the lamp. Pretending to be a new student at a middle school in California, Eden enjoys every pleasure on Earth. She soon discovers, unfortunately, that things aren’t quite as ideal in this world as she had always believed. Eden soon discovers herself embroiled in a centuries-old struggle between formidable immortals.


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