Entrepreneurial You

Entrepreneurial You

Published: October 3, 2017


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 20
  • Total Pages: 242
  • Size: 0.7 MB
  • ISBN: 9781633692275
  • Reading: 8hr 4min


Dorie Clark’s book “Entrepreneurial You” offers guidance on achieving professional autonomy. In this book, Clark offers guidance and insights on developing your internet presence, making money off of your knowledge, and growing your brand. Whether your goal is to launch your own company, work as a consultant, or create a side gig,

this practical manual provides the components and practical strategies needed for successful entrepreneurship. Because Clark pulls on the experiences of business owners who have made six- and seven-figure salaries, it’s an invaluable tool for determining your professional path.


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