Ex Machina, Vol. 7: Ex Cathedra

Ex Machina Issue 7: Ex Cathedra

Published: December 19, 2008


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 24
  • Size: 25.5 MB
  • ISBN: 9781401218591
  • Reading: 48min


Brian K. Vaughan’s ‘Ex Machina Issue 7: Ex Cathedra’ We explore the fascinating realm of Mayor Mitchell Hundred. When Hundred is called to Rome to meet with Pope John Paul II, he encounters unforeseen difficulties. While he struggles with concerns regarding his rise to prominence and political influence, an assassin is posing a threat to his life from the shadows. The story deftly integrates religion, power struggles, and the mysterious capacity for machine communication. This book gathers Ex Machina issues #30–34 and provides an engrossing fusion of science fiction, politics, and superhero intrigue.


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