Eyes of a Snake (Royal Blood Se - Adina Chiles

Eyes of a Snake

Published: April 19, 2023

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 4
  • Total Pages: 285
  • Size: 2.21 MB
  • Reading: 9hr 30min


The gripping fantasy book “Eyes of a Snake” by Adina Chiles skillfully combines lethal intrigue, powers, and secrets. Mellana Goodwick sixteen accepts her first invitation but regrets the results of unforeseen circumstances. Mellana finds her special powers as she gets caught in an odd storm that shoots green lightning and deafening thunder. Noel is in danger if she is successful in getting the chalice since Prince Lorian has ordered that those carrying presents be taken into custody. Mellana cut off from her pals, discovers a secret stronghold inhabited by people much like her. She travels to the realm of Emery in search of the next object Emery’s Emerald where she discovers more mysteries surrounding a princess who is obsessed with snakes and lost articles.


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