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Fated Under the Moon
Fated Under the Moon - Abby McCarthy
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  • Published: December 21, 2021
  • Pages: 277
  • Downloads: 5
  • Genre: Fantasy

Fated Under the Moon

Abby McCarthy

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Abby McCarthy’s novel “Fated Under the Moon” is the first in the “Destined by the Fates” series. The main character of the story is Ariel, who leaves Seattle and her annoying roommate behind after her father passes away. And relocates to Nowhere Ohio where she accepts a job at a fancy house. She quickly learns that her depressing landlords are werewolves and werewolf-mates by fate. Since Ariel is a human and it is practically unheard of for humans to be fated to become werewolves this is exceptional.

Her landlord Ryker, is concerned when Ariel starts experiencing strange dreams and episodes of fainting. She discovers that her job is not a coincidence and that perhaps she is not human at all. As she learns more about who she is. She understands that if she isn’t taught she may endanger Ryker and his pack.

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