Fire Heart

Fire Heart

Published: January 31, 2022


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 5
  • Total Pages: 313
  • Size: 1.64 MB
  • Reading: 10hr 26min


The first book in Emma Hamm’s The Dragon of Umbra series is titled “Fire Heart.” It centers on Lorelei, a half-elf who, in a country where being a half-elf is equated with being a “slave,” hides her heritage. Seeking a bride, the Umbra King is a cruel dragon that enslaves everyone. It is up to Lorelei to demonstrate her beauty, talent, poise, and devastating ability.

But as she draws nearer to rescuing her land, she concludes that the dragon the King’s bodyguard might be the most dangerous individual in the entire realm. Dragons mate for life and find it difficult to part with their possessions.


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