Frozen Tracks - Ake Edwardson

Frozen Tracks

Published: January 1, 2001

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 1
  • Total Pages: 535
  • Size: 1.38 MB
  • ISBN: 9780670063239
  • Reading: 17hr 50min


Åke Edwardson’s “Frozen Tracks” Detective Chief Inspector Erik Winter investigates two puzzling crimes in Gothenburg, Sweden, during the fall. A fearful mother says that a man posing as a candy vendor is luring her little son into a car. The youngster returns unharmed, but other kids have similar experiences. Winter looks into sporadic assaults on reluctant college students in the interim.

Forgotten documents surface after a four-year-old boy is kidnapped and discovered harmed, exposing a link between the instances. Winter is in a race against time as Christmas draws near to avert a devastating tragedy.


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