Half A Chance

Half A Chance

Published: January 25, 2008

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 174
  • Size: 0.7 MB
  • ISBN: 9788184569759
  • Reading: 5hr 48min


Frederic Stewart Isham’s book “Half A Chance” is a springtime story set in London. Three main characters drive the plot along as they watch John Steele, a talented attorney and criminologist, present his client’s case in court. The story looks at how the legal system functions, the complexities of the English bar, and Steele’s life who even astounds his examiners with his skillful legal representation. A person can be moral and upright if they are given “half a chance,” regardless of their family history. The book suggests in its exploration of the age-old nature vs. nurture debate.


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