He Makes the Rules

He Makes the Rules

Published: July 26, 2022

Tagged Genres

FantasyScience Fiction


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 2
  • Total Pages: 120
  • Size: 1.25 MB
  • Reading: 4hr


The first novel in the Cowered series is “He Makes the Rules,” written by Elodie Crowe. The main character of the story is Ronnie Hudson, who is compelled to go into hiding and give birth in secret. She turns into the number one public enemy as a result of her constant dread.

She struggles with survival and the terrible reality that will face her if her history ever catches up to her as she raises her child in the shadows. Elodie Crowe crafts a terrifying dystopian future that serves as a reminder that nobody is secure until everyone is.


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