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Kind of a Big Deal
Kind of a Big Deal
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  • Published: 2020
  • Pages: 288
  • ISBN: 9781250206237
  • Downloads: 33
  • Genre: Fantasy

Kind of a Big Deal

Shannon Hale

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Kind of a Big Deal is a novel by Shannon Hale, published in 2020. It is a story of a young woman named Josie Pie who was a former high school musical star but dropped out to pursue her Broadway dream. However, things did not go as planned and she ended up working as a nanny for a wealthy family. To escape from her disappointing reality, she starts reading books and discovers that she can literally enter the stories and become different characters. She enjoys living out her fantasies in various genres, such as romance, sci-fi, historical fiction, and more. But soon she realizes that staying in the books too long can have dangerous consequences, and she has to face her own problems and find her true self.

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