This book, licensed by Ana Huang is more of this generation’s romance novel and the title of this book is King of Greed. It is the third Kings of Sin book and also. The main events of the story are connected with the main character called Dominic Davenport, and this man possess all the qualities which can be called as main features of a successful person: wit, money and the desire to gain more. Greed is his fury together with having clawed himself out of the ashes and onto the throne of Wall Street.
His beauty, his ambition, his intelligence. The wildflowers he’d
plucked for me on his way home from a graveyard shift, and the gentle
kisses he’d trailed over my shoulder when I stubbornly refused to heed
my alarm clock.
But once upon a time was a long time ago, and now, as I watched
him walk through the door for the first time in weeks, all I felt was a
deep, dull ache in the places where love once resided.
“You’re home early,” I said, even though it was near midnight. “How
was work?”