Kiss Her Goodnight

Kiss Her Goodnight

Published: June 1, 2022


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 4
  • Total Pages: 312
  • Size: 1.75 MB
  • Reading: 10hr 24min


The fifteenth book in D.K. Hood’s Detectives Kane and Alton series is titled ‘Kiss Her Goodnight.’  The story is set in Black Rock Falls, where Sheriff Jenna Alton and her deputy David Kane, find the dead body of a young lady in a local playground. The victim is dressed in a thin nightgown and a scary Halloween mask. When other bodies with similar puncture wounds and a ghoulish mask are discovered, Jenna knows that a serial killer has returned to the area. The book is an interesting crime thriller describing a hideous serial killer story.


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