Losing the Fight

Losing the Fight

Published: April 30, 2017

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 197
  • Size: 1.18 MB
  • ISBN: 9780997136661
  • Reading: 6hr 34min


Elisabeth Staab’s fifth novel in the Evergreen Grove series is titled “Losing the Fight.” The story’s main character is Tyler Thacker, a former mixed martial arts champion who experienced career loss due to the separation from his fiancée and the death of his brother. There’s a chance to make things right when that girl returns to his life. Since the event that killed Tyler’s sibling and damaged Kate Flynn the girl has changed drastically.

She feels pressured to organize her life by Tyler. But she also relives grief she would have preferred to ignore. They battle through the pain of what they’ve lost together.


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