Home > Books > Melody Beattie 4 Title Bundle
Melody Beattie 4 Title Bundle
Melody Beattie 4 Title Bundle
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  • Published: January 1, 1986
  • Pages: 1012
  • ISBN: 9781616490911
  • Downloads: 5
  • Genre: Self Help

Melody Beattie 4 Title Bundle

Melody Beattie

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Melody Beattie 4 Title Bundle is a bundle of self-development books that has 4 books with the theme of self-care, and recovery. and personal-growth. The four books are Codependent No More, Beyond Codependency: And Getting Better All the Time, Language Of Letting Go, and More Language of Letting Go.

The books start by telling you to focus on yourself, then the second book tells you to start a new life, and after that, the third speaks of daily meditation that will help you to understand your responsibility. At the last and fourth book speaks of the other things of life.

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