Next-Door Bear Daddy

Next-Door Bear Daddy

Published: January 23, 2023

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 216
  • Size: 1.2 MB
  • Reading: 7hr 12min


Brittany White’s third novel in the Snow Haven Shifters Series is titled “Next-Door Bear Daddy.” In the story, a woman falls in love with James, her bear-shifter neighbor, when she is a little child. After a passionate meeting, she departs for Anchorage to pursue a nursing career, broken-hearted and pregnant. After her father’s heart attack, she goes to Snow Haven and meets James, who is now the leader of his clan. She understands that their reunion could be risky for her and her son as she falls back in love with James.


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