Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind

Published: 2010

Tagged Genres

FictionYoung Adult


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 30
  • Total Pages: 176
  • Size: 0..911 MB
  • ISBN: 9781416971702
  • Reading: 5hr 52min


Out of My Mind download the free pdf book version from here. “Out of My Mind” is a compelling narrative by Sharon M. Draper. The protagonist, Melody Brooks, is a girl living with cerebral palsy. Despite her physical limitations that prevent her from speaking or moving freely, Melody possesses a photographic memory and exceptional intelligence.

However, she often finds herself underestimated by her peers and adults. Refusing to be confined by her condition, Melody embarks on a journey to find ways to express herself. This New York Times bestselling novel was first published in 2010.


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