Own Her

Own Her

Published: August 9, 2021


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 69
  • Size: 0.4 MB
  • Reading: 2hr 18min


The third book in Jenika Snow’s “The Warriors of Hades” series is titled “Own Her.” Mekenna and the three brothers from Hades—Filip, Savastian, and Vicktor—are the main characters of the narrative. The moment the brothers laid eyes on Mekenna, they knew she was the one for their bed, their future children, and their partner.

Mekenna was despised because of her genetic makeup, being half-human and the daughter of a servant. Despite having had a challenging upbringing, Mekenna perseveres and refuses to allow her circumstances to define or govern who she is.


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