• File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 157
  • Total Pages: 466
  • Size: 2.47 MB
  • ISBN: 9780061120664
  • Reading: 15hr 32min


Papillon book, download the pdf version of it from here. Henri Charrière’s “Papillon,” published in 1969, is a riveting autobiographical account of his life. The title, “Papillon,” translates to “butterfly” in English and is Charrière’s own moniker.

The narrative unfolds his supposed incarceration and subsequent escapes from the notorious French Guiana penal colony over a span of 14 years (1931-1945). Despite being falsely accused of murder and condemned to life imprisonment on Devil’s Island, Charrière’s indomitable spirit shines through. His numerous escape attempts, camaraderie with inmate Louis Dega, and eventual freedom in Venezuela form the crux of the story. The book stands as a testament to human tenacity and has been lauded for its compelling narrative.


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