Pawn of Prophecy

Pawn of Prophecy

Published: April 1, 1982


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 13
  • Total Pages: 247
  • Size: 1.04 MB
  • Reading: 8hr 14min


The first book in David Eddings’ Belgariad series is titled “Pawn of Prophecy.” Readers are introduced to Garion, a young orphan reared on a farm, who, after a mysterious thing is taken, sets out on a journey with Mr. Wolf and Aunt Pol. Garion starts to have doubts about his relationship with his aunt and Mr. Wolf, who turn out to be old sorcerers, as they meet new friends and encounter obstacles. A youthful hero destined to save the world, magic, and prophecies abound in this outstanding fantasy novel.


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