Playing for the Ashes

Playing for the Ashes

Published: January 1, 1994


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 7
  • Total Pages: 662
  • Size: 2.89 MB
  • ISBN: 9780553408454
  • Reading: 22hr 4min


“Playing for the Ashes” is the 7th book in the Inspector Lynley series. The book “Playing for the Ashes” is written by Elizabeth George. The story begins with a startling confession and “The story begins with my father, and the fact that I am responsible for his death. It was not my first offense as you will see, but my mother could never forgive me for it.” In the story, Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers and Inspector Thomas Linley find themselves involved in a case where nothing and everything seems real.


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