Proud Beggars - Albert Cossery

Proud Beggars

Published: January 1, 1955

Tagged Genres



  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 5
  • Total Pages: 160
  • Size: 0.8 MB
  • ISBN: 9781590174630
  • Reading: 5hr 20min


‘Proud Beggars’ a vicious and senseless murder takes place early in a Cairo brothel. The contradictory richness present in even the most financially destitute lives, however, is where the true enigma lies. Gohar, a former professor who became a whorehouse accountant, hashish enthusiast, and street philosopher, is the most prominent beggar in Cossery.

Nour El Dine, a police detective, finds them charming and amusing, leading him to suspect them of the crime. This little book is regarded as one of Cossery’s finest blends of police procedural sly social critique and playful delight.


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