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Rivers of London
Rivers of London
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  • Published: January 10, 2011
  • Pages: 268
  • ISBN: 9780575097568
  • Downloads: 26
  • Genre: Crime Books

Rivers of London

Ben Aaronovitch

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Rivers of London is the first novel in the detective series of the same name; this book is also known as ” Midnight Riot” in the U.S. This urban fantasy detective novel introduces Peter Grant to the readers. Peter Grant is a probationary constable in the London Metropolitan Police who dreams of becoming a detective in London. And, when his superior assigned him to the case progression unit; he got to face his biggest threat; a paper cut. His life takes unexpected turns and he gets himself introduced to an eyewitness of a murder; who happens to be a ghost. After that things become more mysterious, magical, and complicated in turns of events.

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