Rotten Girl

Rotten Girl

Published: February 11, 2019


  • File Type: PDF | ePUB | MOBI
  • Downloads: 0
  • Total Pages: 286
  • Size: 1.47 MB
  • Reading: 9hr 32min


The first book in the “Rotten Love” duo is “Rotten Girl” by Ivy Fox. This is a full-length, modern-day mafia romance book. The main character is trapped in a golden cage because her destiny has already been decided. To get the fragments of her soul she is prepared to oppose even the devil.

Envy fate and the harsh reality that not everyone is destined for a fairytale ending are among the themes that are explored in the book. Due to strong language, adult circumstances, and sensitive topics, readers over the age of eighteen are advised to read it.


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